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Orlando International Airport now offers containers to deposit Sharps. This program will help our guests and employees in disposing of needles, syringes with needles, and lancets that have been used in the treatment of an illness. If you become aware of any problems with these containers, please call 407-825-4000 and notify the attendant.

These are the present locations of Sharp Containers:

  1. LVL 3 8630 Mens Restroom (United)
  2. LVL 3 7916 Ladies Restroom ( United)
  3. LVL 3 Mens Restroom (Frontier)
  4. LVL 3 Ladies Restroom (Frontier)
  5. LVL 3 3127 Mens Restroom ( South West)
  6. LVL 3 Ladies Restroom ( South West)
  7. LVL 3 9630 Mens Restroom (Delta)
  8. LVL 3 Ladies Restroom (Delta)
  9. AS 1 10-19 HUB Mens Restroom
  10. AS 1 10-19 HUB Ladies Restroom
  11. AS 2 120-129 HUB Mens Restroom
  12. AS 2 120-129 HUB Ladies Restroom
  13. AS 3 40-49 HUB Mens Restroom
  14. AS 3 40-49 HUB Ladies Restroom
  15. AS 4 70-79 HUB Mens Restroom
  16. AS 4 70-79 HUB Ladies Restroom
  17. SAPM LVL 1 Companion Restroom
  18. SAPM LVl 3 Companion Restroom
  19. SAPM LVL 4 Companion Restroom