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Please see the following changes to employee screening.

East & West Employee Lane Changes:

  • Effective Monday November 25th at 0900 anyone who cannot successfully complete metal detector screening (Walk-through Metal Detector (WTMD) or Hand Held Metal Detector (HHMD)) will be directed to the TSA checkpoint for screening. If someone is unable or unwilling to undergo screening by the WTMD or HHMD, they will need to go through the TSA checkpoint.

East & West Employee Lanes and 2nd Level Doors Changes:

  • Effective Monday December 2nd at 0900 spillable liquids will no-longer be permitted through any of the terminal employee checkpoints. This includes the 2nd level baggage makeup doors. All liquids must be in a sealable container that will not spill and also must go through the x-ray machine
  • Anyone with surgical implants such as metal knees, hips, etc. should have their medical card with them to aid in resolution of an alarm.