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Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic and economic aftermath will affect the mental health and well-being of people well beyond the initial crisis. There are several resources available to assist both employees and their employers.


In times of uncertainty and stress, it is imperative that we remember to take care of ourselves. Although the thought of reaching out for help might seem daunting, we want you to know that you are not alone. There are many resources available to assist you and your loved ones through these unprecedented times. The following links are just a few of the resources you can use:


Employees can be easily overwhelmed by the stress and changes we are currently experiencing. It is simply not enough to just post your benefits information. Take this opportunity to remind employees what benefits you offer and how to access them. Employers are in a unique position to recognize a struggling employee and offer them support. It will mean so much to your employees to know that you are there for them. Here are some resources to assist employers during this time:

The National Safety Council has dedicated a space to the following topics: employer role in mental health, working with benefit providers, stress reduction, substance misuse and more.

Click this link for additional information and resources:


June is National Safety Month

Safety is now more important that ever. Every year the National Safety Council utilizes the month of June to highlight important safety topics. The National Safety Council is America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate. They focus on eliminating the leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths. Follow us throughout this month as we also look at Ergonomics, Driving and Building a Safety Culture.

If you would like to share any safety concerns or ideas on how to keep our community safe, we want to hear from you! Feel free to email us at or you can always visit the I-Port on to share your thoughts with us.