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Human Trafficking is not only a global issue, but it is a local issue. As employees of an International airport, it is important that we know the signs.

Key Signs of Potential Human Trafficking Indicators:

  • Is the person disoriented or confused, or showing signs of mental or physical abuse?
  • Is the person fearful, timid, or submissive and to they avoid eye contact?
  • Does the person show signs of having been denied food, water, sleep, or medical care?
  • Does the passenger defer to another person to speak for him or her or someone else who seems to be in control of the situation, e.g., where they go or who they talk to?
  • Is the passenger (especially children) accompanied by someone claiming to be a parent or guardian who is in fact not related to the child?
  • Is the passenger in control of his/her own travel documents?
  • Does the person have freedom of movement?
  • Is the passenger wearing appropriate clothing for route or destination weather?
  • Is the person speaking of modelling, dancing, singing, hospitality job, etc. without knowing who will be meeting him/her upon arrival, and with few details about the job?
  • Is the person discreetly using the sign language “HT” symbol?

What Should you do if you see something suspicious?

  • If You….See Something, Say Something Contact 911 or GOAA Communications Center at ext. 2065
  • Be observant and the best witness you can be! Provide vital details to law enforcement / Comm Center Dispatcher
  • Do not confront anyone you suspect of engaging in trafficking. Do not display unusual concern or alarm. Do not try to rescue any possible victim. – Unless You are law enforcement. Do not endanger yourself or others.

Training Opportunities:

Check back to this page for additional training opportunities for MCO employees in the future.

Posters are available for employee only areas of the airport. Please email if you would like one.

Resources for additional information:

International Air Transport Association (IATA) –

Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign –

The Lifeboat Project –