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1 in 5 kids in our community struggle to have enough food to eat. Help us fight hunger by donating non-perishable food or funds benefiting Second Harvest Food Bank.

To donate funds, please visit:


Please remember the special needs of infants and toddlers; they need FIVE to THRIVE:
Powdered infant milk or soy based formulas (WIC-approved preferred)
Baby cereal
Baby fruits (single ingredient preferred)
Baby vegetables (single ingredient preferred)
Baby Meats (no meat sticks)
Shelf-stable white whole milk for 1 year olds; Shelf-stable 1% (low fat) or skim milk for 2 years olds and up;
Shelf-stable soy milk.
Canned fruits, preferably packed in juice with no added sugar
Canned vegetables, preferably low sodium or no salt added
Canned beans such as black, red, pink, pinto beans, black-eyed peas, pigeon peas, garbanzos
Shelf stable foods designed for toddlers such as Stage 3, Graduates, etc.